Problem – Building a web application for automating the management of a market research project
The corporate process handles the delivery of the project, from inception to archiving. It is a heavily regulated process, GxP compliant, involving external vendors, and governed by multiple checks and balances that are currently done mostly manually and are very time-consuming.
The client goal is to automate this process, facilitating seamless collaboration between all parties involved so that market research can be conducted efficiently and the outcomes can be harnessed to their full potential while addressing all regulatory requirements.
Stack of technologies:
- .NET 5, C#, Entity Framework, Azure AD, Containers, Kubernetes, Azure ServiceBus, Microsoft Graph API, MS SQL Server, NUnit, MediatR, Ardalis, Swashbuckle, Azure Key Vault, API Gateway, BackgroundWorker
- Angular 11, Typescript, MSAL, Angular Material, rxJS, NGXS